Thursday, June 4, 2009

It starts.

So, yeah, I wanted to have an outlet to discuss a myriad of things.  However, mostly I'd like to offer musings on theatre, film, entertainment, and all the history and, more importantly, future thereof.  I was lucky enough to participate in the Commercial Theatre Institute's 3-day workshop here in NYC from May 15-17.  It was an amazing seminar for current and aspiring theatre professionals that interviewed a large number of successful working producers, marketers, general managers, press agents, etc. through various Q&A sessions and panel discussions.  Essentially, it was an academic approach to try to give some insight as to what it would be like to produce commercial theatre.  There were many great stories, lessons, and participants and they really helped to illustrate a path to get from A to B when you find a property you like and want to show the world.

Why is this important?  Well, one of the participants in the panel discussions was a young producer named Ken Davenport.  I'm sure many of you have heard of him (he did that iphone commercial a couple years ago).  He is currently producing a number of shows both on and off- Broadway.  I feel that he is the most relevant reference to my inaugural post.  This idea sprung because Ken has a fantastic blog (which, of course, he plugged at the seminar--and damned if I didn't subscribe) called  It's his random, but important, thoughts about the theatre world and his attempts to create a dialogue that is important to the future of the industry.  So, I thought (as I was weary and staring at a computer screen on the overnight shift at the hotel I work at), if a successful (read:  busy as hell) theatre producer has the time to share his thoughts, why not one that is about to start in this facet of the industry?  I feel I may have a different perspective, having "retired" as an actor 3 years ago after a decent run of modest success and not really working full time in theatre since then.  While I've been an actor (in both NYC and LA), non-profit theatre producer, and assistant to the assistant in marketing, promotions, and film, I have been actively pursuing producing/theatre management/all of the above to get me back to the industry in which I've always felt comfortable.  I have some great possibilities that I'm truly excited about and would love for them to come to fruition.  But, along the way, I'd like to open up the floor to discussion, or hell, maybe just raise a decent point or two.

The question is:  Do you care?  I would love to have an open forum for anyone who agrees and disagrees with any issues.  Or I'll just give you my opinions.  Do with them as you wish.  Or I'll accept any advice if Ken Davenport decides to view and comment.  

(Bloggers note:  I've never been a fan of blogging.  I always been of the opinion that those who blogged thought they were more important than they are.  But, I have seen a shift in that there is a lot of great discussion to be had by a simple thought....and, also, I've always thought I was more important than I am).

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